7th Family Forum held in Riyadh

The Family Affairs Council hosted its seventh Family Forum in Riyadh on September 1-2, 2024, focusing on “Family Counseling: Building Strength from Within in a Changing World.”

Under the auspices of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, the Family Affairs Council’s 7th Family Forum announced a Family Guidance Strategy that encompasses 12 initiatives addressing family and societal needs including regulations, data protection, and online support procedures for children. Key issues related to the digital revolution and empowering Saudi families by offering solutions from experts and officials in various family-related sectors were prioritized.

The Family Guidance Strategy was developed through a comprehensive process, including international and regional benchmarking, and over 12 workshops involving 13 governmental and private entities.

A key objective of the strategy is to empower and enhance the skills and capabilities of family guidance professionals, thereby improving family relations, resolving conflicts, and promoting stability through a series of targeted programs and initiatives.

The strategy will expand family services, increase geographical reach, and extend support to a larger segment of the population across the Kingdom. The ministry has set a target to issue licenses to 500 family counselling practitioners in 2024, with the goal of reaching 4,000 licensed professionals by 2030.

The Family Affairs Council states that, “in an era characterized by rapid societal changes, the forum aims to equip families with strategies to navigate challenges and achieve a better balance in their lives. By addressing these issues, the event seeks to elevate community awareness about the importance of family counseling and foster greater collaboration across public, private, and non-profit sectors.”

 To read more, click here, here and here.


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