Saudi Drawdown on Reserves Continues, but Slows to Lowest in 8 months – Jadwa Chartbook

Saudi Arabia continued to drawdown on reserves in June, but at the lowest rate in 8 months, according to a recently released report by Jadwa Investment.

Foreign reserves continue to slide, but at a slower rate than previous months.

Foreign reserves continue to slide, but at a slower rate than previous months.

Riyadh-based Jadwa found net withdrawals from Saudi government accounts fell to their lowest point in eight months, with $3 billion of net withdrawals in June while foreign reserves fell by $7.6 billion in June.

Key consumption indicator data recorded a year-on-year slowdown in June, mostly associated with lower activity during the month of Ramadan, but showed signs of recovery in July, Jadwa said.

“Monthly non-oil exports have consistently been lower in 2015 compared to the same period last year, mainly due to subdued global demand. Imports remained negative year-on-year for the second consecutive month, but rose slightly in monthly terms.”

[For the full report from Jadwa Investment, click here.]





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