Halo Space Preparing For Saudi Arabian Stratospheric Test Flight

Spanish company HALO Space is developing a new form of space travel called stratospheric ballooning. This involves using a large helium-filled balloon to carry a pressurized capsule carrying passengers up to the stratosphere, which is about 35 kilometers 922 miles) above the Earth’s surface.

In collaboration with Saudi Arabia’s Communications, Space and Technology Commission (CST), HALO Space, has announced that it will conduct its next test flight in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia this September. HALO Space’s prototype capsule test flights are a prelude to the launch of manned flights, expected to begin in 2025, to be then followed by commercial flights in 2026. By 2030 HALO expects to have had 10,000 passengers.

According to Satellite Evolution Group, this test flight in September which will be HALO’s sixth, “will feature HALO Space’s real-size prototype capsule, Aurora, which will ascend to 30 kilometres above the Earth’s surface. The primary objective of this mission is to rigorously validate the integrated operation of all critical systems developed over the past three years.”

HALO promises a unique experience where passengers will travel in a pressurized capsule with comfy swivel seats, giant windows, fine cuisine and a unique view of the planet.  HALO hopes to make space tourism accessible to a broad audience and is working with both private and public institutions to adopt safety standards and certification procedures.

Frank Salzgeber, acting deputy governor for the space sector at CST said, “This innovative project represents a significant step forward in space tourism, and in support of such technological advancements and investment opportunities in Saudi Arabia, CST is always committed to providing regulatory frameworks that foster innovation among companies and projects like Halo Space while ensuring the safety of personnel and materials.”


Interestingly, HALO Space was incubated by Arthur D. Little (ADL) through their Breakthrough Incubator program.

Thomas Kuruvilla, Managing Partner at ADL Middle East and board member of HALO Space, commented, “Our collaboration with HALO Space reflects our commitment to supporting groundbreaking projects that push the boundaries of technology and exploration. This initiative showcases Saudi Arabia’s leadership in technological innovation and its dedication to fostering a vibrant tourism ecosystem.”


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