Over 680 exceptional talents and researchers in technology sector obtain Saudi Premium Residency

Over 680 exceptional talents and researchers in technology sector obtain Saudi Premium Residency

in saudigazette.com: The list of holders of Premium Residency under the  Exceptional Competence Residency” product is topped by 5G technology specialists with 16 percent, followed by cloud computing specialists with 15 percent. These fields are the cornerstone of enhancing digital infrastructure, which enhances the Kingdom’s position as a leading country in adopting modern technologies. In the context of supporting innovation, Premium Residency was granted to experts in artificial intelligence and machine learning, who constituted 12 percent of the talents who were granted Premium Residency. These fields are among the priorities in the Kingdom, due to their role in contributing to the development of many sectors such as healthcare, education, and digital industries. Big data experts constitute 13 percent of the number of Premium Residency recipients, and it is one of the specializations that is witnessing rapid global growth in advanced economies that rely on the analysis of large and complex data.

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