Female Participation in Sports Soars in Saudi Arabia since Vision 2030

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Sports said that female participation in sports increased by nearly 150% over the past five years since the announcement of the Vision 2030 program, according to a report.

The Vision 2030’s ‘Quality of Life’ program empowers the Saudi Sports for All Federation (SFA) to work to increase weekly participation in sports by up to 40% by 2030, introducing a more inclusive sporting environment and encouraging girls and women to take up sports, according to MENAFM.com.

Vision 2030, and the subsequent actions taken by Saudi leaders to provided more rights to Saudi women has created a more favorable environment for female participation in sports to grow.

In June 2018, Saudi Arabia granted women the right to drive, making it easier for women to attend sporting and fitness activities. In February 2020, the SFA launched the country’s first-ever Women’s Football League (WFL).

The SFA’s ‘Your Home, Your Gym’ campaign is encouraging people to stay active throughout the coronavirus pandemic, and leading names in sports have been recruited as ambassadors for the campaign.

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