Gulf Countries have been writing a wave of vast wealth "which affords the Gulf countries a level of resilience that few in the emerging markets can match," writes John Sfakianakis in the Financial Times.
The recently completed 2014 SACM Career Fair brought together over 12,500 Saudi graduates and leading employers in Saudi Arabia to match talent with opportunities.
Through five core objectives, NEI/NEXT will build on Administration-wide achievements under the National Export Initiative (NEI), to help all businesses reach the 95 percent of consumers who live outside the United States.
The Saudi private sector has benefited for several decades of government support through spending and lending, protection, and huge amounts of investment, at still the public sector is the main engine of employment.
Ahead of Saudi Arabia’s landmark Vision 2030 announcement, the Kingdom tested its credit-worthiness from international lenders by raising $10 billion, despite downgrades by Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s (S&P) earlier this year.
Central bank data released on Monday shows Saudi consumers withdrew and spent less money in February and a key money supply metric “shrank for the first time since at least 2000,” according to Bloomberg and Reuters.