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Recent stories from sustg

  • The Race is On for Ride Sharing Apps in Saudi Arabia to Hire Saudi Women ‘Captinahs’

    As Saudi women settle into the driver’s seat, ride-sharing apps like Uber and Careem are gearing up for a race to hire women, according to reports. Careem — the Middle East’s answer to Uber — is recruiting Saudi women to take the wheel and has received over 2,000 applications since announcing it would recruit so-called […]

  • Saudi Digital Media Startup Raises $9 Million Series A Round with 20m Subscribers

    A Saudi Arabia-based digital media company raised $9 million in a Series A round of funding, according to reports. Telfaz11, with over 20 million subscribers on their network, and reporting more than 2 billion views on YouTube, is a leading Arabic Multi-Channel Network (MCN) which seeks to change the face of home-grown online entertainment. “As a pre-eminent […]

  • Saudi, Russia Say Oil Supply to Increase in ‘Near Future’ as Consumers Eye Increasing Prices

    Saudi Minister of Energy Khalid Al-Falih said OPEC and other producers are likely to gradually revive oil output in the second half of the year to ease consumer anxiety as prices trade near $80 a barrel, according to reports. The action would be a reverse of course from previous OPEC and non-OPEC producers’ decision two years […]

  • Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Top 10 World’s Most Powerful People

    Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has landed on the Forbes list of the world’s most powerful people for the first time, ranking the powerful young leader within the top 10. “There are 17 new names on the list this year, including Mohammed Bin Salman Al Saud (#8), the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia,” Forbes writes. “His […]

  • Saudi Arabia Applauds Trump Decision on Iran Nuclear Deal

    Saudi Arabia has embraced President Trump’s decision yesterday to pull the United States out of the JCPoA, the agreement to curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions by offering sanctions relief in exchange for Iran’s compliance with non-proliferation standards, according to statements made by top Saudi officials and the Saudi Press Agency. As the chief rival of Iran in […]

  • For Oil Markets, ‘Volatility is Back’

    Rising optimism around global economic growth coupled with continued OPEC compliance to output targets and rising geopolitical tensions all contributed to pushing Brent oil prices to near 2014 highs, according to a recent report on the oil market by Riyadh-based Jadwa Investment. “Although oil prices were pressured somewhat at the start of April  due to trade tensions […]

  • Major Fossil Discovery in Saudi Arabia is 90,000 Years Old

    A recently discovered fossil finger bone dating back about 90,000 years that was unearthed in Saudi Arabia’s Nefud Desert is “pointing to what scientists are calling a new understanding of how our species came out of Africa en route to colonizing the world,” Reuters reports. The discovery, the middle bone of an adult’s middle finger, […]

  • Trump, King Salman Speak by Phone; Trump Urges End to Qatar Crisis

    President Trump and Saudi Arabia’s King Salman spoke by phone yesterday and discussed a number of regional issues, according to a readout of the call and wire reports. On the call, Trump “emphasized the importance of resolving the Gulf dispute and restoring a united Gulf Cooperation Council to counter Iranian malign influence and defeat terrorists and extremists.” The leaders […]

  • President Trump Calls King Salman, Urges End to Qatar Dispute

    President Trump and Saudi Arabia’s King Salman spoke by phone yesterday and discussed a number of regional issues, according to a readout of the call and wire reports. On the call, Trump “emphasized the importance of resolving the Gulf dispute and restoring a united Gulf Cooperation Council to counter Iranian malign influence and defeat terrorists and […]

  • Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Attends High-Powered Dinner in Los Angeles with Studio Brass, Stars

    Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and members of his entourage were welcomed to Hollywood last night with a high-powered dinner hosted by the Entertainment industry’s elite, according to a report in the Hollywood Reporter. An intimate dinner was held at Rupert Murdoch’s estate with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Morgan Freeman, James Cameron, Michael Douglas, Disney CEO […]