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  • Foreign Policy
    What’s Behind Saudi Arabia’s Turn Away From the Taliban?

    Saudi Arabia’s increasingly anti-Taliban stance helps Riyadh consolidate its vital regional alliances and isolate Qatar.

  • Saudi Aramco IPO
    Will Saudi Aramco deliver world record profit for next year’s IPO?

    Yet a simple calculation using globally accepted ratios for Aramco’s peers - enterprise value versus core earnings (EV/EBITDA) - shows the Saudi firm has to report EBITDA in the region of $130 billion to achieve a $2 trillion valuation.

  • Iran in the Region
    Saudi Arabia and Iran: New Leadership, New Reality?

    As Crown Prince and Minister of Defence Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) recently said, “dialogue is important but only when matched by facts on the ground.” The generational game of unilateral Iranian brinkmanship and bazaar politics, at the expense of security, is over.

  • Iraq
    The Future of Iraq: Is Reintegration Possible?

    The PMF has proven to be an invaluable force in the fight against IS and played a pivotal role in preventing its further territorial gains. Estimated between 100,000 and 152,000 fighters, the PMF in conjunction with the ISF, the Kurdish Peshmerga and the International Coalition's air support has done much to stop the IS advance and bring it to the brink of defeat.5 However, questions concerning the impact of the PMF on Iraq's unity and the functioning of the state have remained unanswered.

  • Vision 2030
    Commentary: Why 2030?

    THE Vision 2030 continues to occupy the headlines and leads the talk in many group discussions among the general public. As a matter of fact, I always have questions related to this subject, but the question that impressed me was that of a young university student, who asked me: "Why specifically 2030?" This is an intelligent question on a different tangent. Indeed, there is a reason and importance of pointing out the choice of this particular date.

  • War in Yemen
    Perspective: Are Yemeni rebels imploding?

    Sanaa is now divided between the two camps, with the Houthis holding about 70% of the capital and most of the north. More violence is all but certain; whether it can be contained is an open question.

  • Saudi Tourism
    Can Saudi Arabia Build a Popular Tourist Destination?

    Tourism in the Middle East has long been dominated by the high-end resorts in Dubai, Egypt and Jordan yet they could soon have a new challenger in their midst. Saudi Arabia is turning its attention to tourism and entertainment as it seeks to not only reposition its economy but also meet a pent-up demand for greater leisure options within its own population.

  • Saudi-Iran
    Is a Genuine Saudi-Iraqi Reconciliation in the Works?

    A regular survey of experts on matters relating to Middle Eastern and North African politics and security.

  • U.S.-Saudi Relations
    Why is David Urban a top pick for US ambassador to Saudi Arabia?

    David Urban, who helped engineer President Trump's win in Pennsylvania, is the top choice to become the US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, a source familiar with the process confirmed to CBS. The report said that Urban is the president of American Continental Group, a Washington, D.C. lobbying firm. He's a longtime Washington insider who served as chief of staff to Sen. Arlen Specter.

  • Workforce
    Should the Gulf Countries Decrease Low-Skilled Immigration?

    As the Arabian Gulf countries look to generate private sector job opportunities for nationals, a common complaint among jobseekers is that the wages in many occupations are unacceptably low.