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  • MENA Tech
    Is The Middle East Well Placed For A Tech Boom?

    Traditionally considered an oil-producing region, the Middle East (GULF) is slowly coming into the global limelight for its investments in the technology sector. The region had previously been largely ignored due to its lack of digital penetration, payments systems, small size, and dominance of domestic players in the retail sector.

  • Saudi-Iran
    Perspective: Is the Diplomatic Tide Shifting in the Rivalry Between Saudi Arabia and Iran?

    n the contest between Saudi Arabia and Iran, a defining rivalry in the greater Middle East, the tables have turned on the diplomatic front. Until a few months ago, Iran was clearly making progress. Now that has changed.

  • Syria
    Can Russian Safe Zones Solve Syria?

    If a potential negotiated solution to the Syrian conflict exists, something in the spirit of Russia’s plan for decentralization and ceasefires might be it.

  • Assassination in Istanbul
    Who killed exiled Iranian TV executive in Istanbul?

    Saeed Karimian, the owner of a popular Dubai-based, Persian-language satellite channel, was gunned down in Istanbul on April 29. Karimian’s GEM TV, which airs dubbed Western programs into the homes of Iranians, has long been a target of criticism of conservative Iranian officials. In March 2017, Iran’s judiciary sentenced Karimian in absentia to six years in prison for propaganda against the state.

  • French Elections
    Is there a “Muslim vote” in France?

    Throughout the campaign—but particularly now, given the very different visions of France that final candidates Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron represent—the “Muslim vote” question has received attention.

  • Turkey in Syria
    Turkey’s Syria gamble: How far will Ankara go?

    The Turks hoped the Trump administration would agree to setting up "no fly zones" in northern Syria, but discovered that Washington's position remains essentially what it was under President Barack Obama.

  • Saudi Women
    Perspective: Will Saudi Women Get Equality?

    Addressing this question requires a deep dig into the social and religious roots of the issue. But since its founding in 1932, Saudi Arabia has gone through a number of cultural shifts. Saudi Arabia is undoubtedly a conservative country, since it revolves around the sacredness of the two Holy Mosques. However, it still possesses a capacity for opening up.

  • Foreign Investment
    Which U.S. States Depend The Most On Foreign Trade?

    In the past several years, nationalistic rhetoric and support for protectionist trade policies have risen sharply across the world. The election of President Donald Trump signaled that Americans are dissatisfied with the economy, including foreign trade. But others point out that the United States often benefits from trade.

  • ME and Trump
    Commentary: Should the Middle East embrace Trump?

    A series of early decisions that many in the Middle East find welcome should not blind the region to the fact that Trump is still mostly making things up as he goes along. This plays to his unpredictable nature — but it also hints at a turbulent few years ahead for pretty much everyone who will be dealing with the administration — friend and foe alike.

  • Bank Merger?
    Alawwal Bank to merge with Saudi British Bank?

    Saudi British Bank (SABB) also announced that its Board of Directors has resolved, at its meeting held on 25 April 2017, to enter into preliminary discussions with AlAwwal Bank to study the possibility of merging the two banks.