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Recent stories from sustg

  • 5 More Years for Booming King Abdullah Scholarship

    Al Arabiya reports that the King Abdullah Scholarship Program, which has sent thousands of Saudi students to the United States and elsewhere, has been renewed for another five years in an important step that will strengthen US-Saudi cultural and economic ties. According to Al Arabiya, Minister of Higher Education Khalid Al Angari said the move was “clear […]

  • Drone Revelation Underscores Defense/Security Bonds

    The recent news reports that American remotely operated aircraft are operating against Al Qaeda targets in Yemen should come as no surprise to those who have followed the close collaboration between the United States and Saudi Arabia over the course of the historic relationship. The revelations may be uncomfortable to those who seek to keep […]

  • Samsung and Galaxy chocolate top brands in Kingdom in 2012

    Samsung ranked first in the 2012 BrandIndex Buzz Rankings for Saudi Arabia, scoring 54.9 points, YouGov market research agency said Tuesday. Galaxy Chocolate, produced by Mars Inc and Al-Qur’an Al-Kareem, a channel owned by the Saudi government, ranked second and third, scoring 53.7 and 47.4 points respectively. Sony, which ranked sixth, dropping from second place in […]

  • Saudi Arabia Strong Market for U.S. Companies, Ex-Im Head Says

    Saudi Arabia, the Arab world’s biggest economy, represents an “exceedingly” strong market for U.S. companies, Export-Import Bank Chairman Fred Hochberg said. “Part of that has been driven by in this part of the world a diversification of economies,” Hochberg said in an interview yesterday in Riyadh. “We see a lot of opportunity here. U.S. companies […]

  • Saudi Chartbook – February 2013

    Jadwa Investment’s recently released Saudi Chartbook for the month of February 2013 assesses a number of key aspects of the Saudi economy including the real economy, bank lending, banking indicators, inflation, trade, oil, exchange rates, the TASI (Saudi Stock Market), sectoral performance, and more. [The full report from Jadwa Investment can be read here.]

  • MENA solar to exceed 3GW annually by 2015: Saudi leads

    GTM Research’s report states that Saudi Arabia and Turkey will have the highest demand, with Saudi Arabia looking to be the region’s first gigawatt-scale market by 2015. Nearly 70% of the demand is expected to come from Saudi Arabia and its K.A. CARE program and secondly, Turkey.

  • Islam and science: The road to renewal

    The tide of money is bearing a fleet of results. In the 2000 to 2009 period Turkey’s output of scientific papers rose from barely 5,000 to 22,000; with less cash, Iran’s went up 1,300, to nearly 15,000. Quantity does not imply quality, but the papers are getting better, too. Scientific journals, and not just the […]

  • Saudi Arabia’s Six New Economic Cities

    Except for King Abdullah Economic City, each of the cities has its own area specialization being developed around at least one globally competitive cluster or industry. They are also being developed according to environmental guidelines using state-of-the-art greenfield solutions. The aim is to create opportunities for the private sector by way of jobs and attractive […]

  • Must-see interactive 360° view from top of Burj Dubai

    On the heels of last month’s viral photograph of the World’s Tallest Mountain, Mount Everest, which was captured in astounding interactive detail so much so that you can zoom in and out and see the entire mountain, it looks like a similar project was done on top of Dubai’s impressive Burj Khalifa tower, currently the […]

  • Saudi investment in education tripled in just a decade

    In Saudi Arabia, the government appropriated SR204 billion ($54.4 billion) for education in its budget for 2013, from SR168 billion ($44.80 billion) in 2012, and SR150 billion ($40 billion) in 2011. Investment in human capital has become a top priority for the Saudi government, as spending on education has more than tripled since 2000. The […]



  • G42 Made Secret Pact With US to Divest From China Before Microsoft Deal

    Microsoft Corp.’s just-announced partnership with Abu Dhabi’s G42 followed behind-the-scenes negotiations between the US government and the Middle Eastern firm, which agreed to divest from China and pivot to American technology. G42, a holding company focused on artificial intelligence, held talks with the US Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security and came to an understanding last year, according to people familiar with the discussions. Under the arrangement, G42 agreed to pare back its presence in China or face potentially punitive measures from Washington, they said.

  • Saudi Arabia third most sleep deprived country in the world, expert says

    Saudi Arabia has been identified as the third country worldwide for the shortest sleep duration, according to Dr. Mana Al Shahrani, a Consultant in Sleep Medicine at King Fahd Medical City.
    During a discussion on Al Ekhbariya TV, Dr. Al Shahrani highlighted the prevalent issue of sleep deprivation among Saudis, who typically get only 6 to 7 hours of sleep per night.

  • Jordan’s Stability in Spotlight Following Iran’s Attack on Israel

    Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel and the prospect of escalating hostilities has threatened to embroil Jordan, a key Western ally and a country regarded by Gulf states as pivotal to their own security. When the Islamic Republic fired a barrage of missiles and drones at Israel on Saturday night, Jordan helped shoot down some that flew over its capital Amman, with Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi saying the kingdom saw the projectiles as posing “a real danger” to its territory.

  • Saudi’s ROSHN signs $57.3 Million agreement with Dar Al Arkan

    ROSHN Group, Saudi Arabia signed  a partnership agreement with developer, Dar Al Arkan for the development of residential villas in Phase 1A, SEDRA Community. The value of the agreement is SAR 215 million. The deal comes as part of the group’s efforts to further strengthen its leadership in the Kingdom’s real estate market by expanding its strategic partnerships with best-in-class entities.

  • Saudi Arabia: Certain Foreign National Classifications Relaxed Under the Nitaqat Program April 15, 2024 insight-news-default

    Foreign investors who are owners of private companies will be counted as Saudi nationals under the program at the rate of one foreign investor to one Saudi national. Previously, they were counted as foreign nationals. Furthermore, the MHRSD announced that other foreign nationals will be factored into Saudization percentages at lower ratios.

  • Sources deny Saudi Arabia’s participation in intercepting Iranian attacks on Israel

    Informed sources denied to Al Arabiya on Monday Saudi Arabia’s participation in intercepting Iranian drones during its attack on Israel on Saturday. Israeli news websites had published statements attributed to an official Saudi website stating that the Kingdom participated in the recent defense coalition that confronted the Iranian attacks. “There is no official website that published a statement about Saudi participation in intercepting attacks against Israel,” the sources told Al Arabiya.

  • Donors, including Saudi Arabia, raise more than 2 billion euros for Sudan aid a year into war

    "I hope the money raised today is translated into aid that reaches people in need," said Abdullah Al Rabeeah, head of Saudi Arabia's KSRelief. On Friday, Sudan's army-aligned foreign ministry protested that it had not been invited to the conference. "We must remind the organisers that the international guardianship system has been abolished for decades," it said in a statement.

  • China’s energy trade with Middle East set to surge since Beijing brokered last year’s Iran-Saudi deal, UBS says

    Energy-related trade between China and the Middle East is likely to increase significantly and reshape the sector globally in the wake of the Saudi-Iran peace deal brokered by China last year, according to Swiss bank UBS.
    By 2030 trade between the two will have risen by US$423 billion annually, with renewables and petrochemicals accounting for US$77 billion and US$325 billion, respectively, according to Ken Liu, head of China and Hong Kong renewables, utilities and energy research at UBS Investment Bank.

  • Inside The Rig: Saudi Arabia’s offshore theme park that plans to draw one million visitors

    The Rig, the world’s first tourism destination on a former offshore oil platform, will be capable of hosting up to 10,000 visitors, its chief executive has said.

    The adventure tourism megaproject, with 300,000 square metres of gross floor area, will have 70 attractions, 800 hotel rooms and 11 restaurants across four areas.

    Divided into four rigs, the theme park 40km off Saudi Arabia’s east coast, near the Berri oilfield and Al Juraid Island, aims to attract one million visitors a year, Raed Bakhrji, chief executive of The Rig told The National.

  • Alternative Work Models key to empowering Saudi Women’s return to the workplace, latest PwC Middle East survey finds

    The report surveyed more than 1,200 women in countries like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Oman and features critical perspectives from leading regional CEOs.   Key findings of the survey have also indicated that 52% of Saudi women have had their resumes rejected due to gaps in their careers, while more than 83% of Saudi women consider returnship programmes that offer a structured pathway for re-entry, including training and tailored support, to be essential for their successful reintegration into the workforce.