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  • MERS
    Filipino nurse from Saudi Arabia tests positive for MERS virus

    A Filipino nurse, who arrived last week from Saudi Arabia, has tested positive for the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), the first case of the deadly virus in the Philippines, the health ministry said on Wednesday.

  • King Salman
    How will the new King Salman change Saudi Arabia?

    He is also the family disciplinarian. When Saudi princes and princesses got into trouble, Khaled Almaeena says, it was Prince Salman who would quietly sort things out.


  • Anti-ISIS Coalition
    Arab Coalition Intensifies Attacks on ISIS as UAE Rejoins Fight

    Middle Eastern countries involved in the campaign are increasingly willing to conduct airstrikes, train Iraqi government ground forces, and have even considered sending in ground troops to attack the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) -- all in reaction to killing of the Jordanian pilot.

  • Af-Pak Cooperation
    Afghan cadets training in Pakistan, a sign of warming ties

    During former President Hamid Karzai’s administration, Afghanistan repeatedly denied Pakistan’s requests for closer cross-border military cooperation. Distrust between the neighbors ran deep, with Afghanistan accusing Pakistan of supporting the Taliban and other militant groups while Pakistan complained that Afghanistan did not stop cross-border attacks.

  • Israeli Politics
    Israelis cry foul on US cash influencing their election

    Critics are concerned that cash from overseas donors will affect next month's vote. "I would like to see foreign money out of Israeli politics," Hebrew University of Jerusalem political science Professor Menachem Hofnung said. "Legally, it would be very difficult to do" because "you can't stop people from funding certain ideas."

  • Egypt
    Opinion: Mutual escalation in Egypt

    Since the overthrow of former president Mohamed Morsi in July 2013, Egyptian political rhetoric has been overheated. But something different seems to be afoot in both camps. Among the Muslim Brotherhood’s supporters, subtle excuses for political violence are giving way to more open calls. On the side of the regime of now-President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi, there is an attempt to move the religious apparatus of the state from acceptance of the suppression of Islamists to enthusiastic support while using the media to direct anger at jihadists to all Islamists.

  • U.S. - Yemen
    Why we need to keep our ambassador in Yemen

    We are maintaining a military involvement in Yemen, both working with some Yemeni forces and periodically striking al-Qaeda elements.   At this politically sensitive time of interaction between multiple tribal and political groups in Yemen we must have up to the minute judgment on whether a given strike will influence or, potentially, ruin political negotiations to stabilize the country.  There is no one-size fits all judgment.  The call cannot be made from a distance or by relying only on technical intelligence because it is fundamentally a matter of political calculation.

  • U.S. Training in Syria
    Pentagon, not CIA, Will Run “Train and Equip” Program for Syrian Opposition

    The Pentagon argued that there is no possibility of victory against ISIL until the US can conduct successful operations in Syria, as well as Iraq.  They pointed out that, in the past three months, for every defeat suffered by the ISIL forces in Iraq, ISIL was able to gain more ground in Syria.

  • Iran in Iraq and Syria
    Shiite militias mixed blessing in Iraq, Syria

    “How can we control Iran’s influence in Iraq considering that the parties in control of the Baghdad government are Shiite parties?” Alireza Nader, a Middle East analyst at Rand, told Al-Monitor. “The Iraqi government is so vulnerable at this point that it has little choice but to turn to Iran which, unlike the US, has people on the frontlines [in Iraq] taking casualties.”

  • Opinion: OPEC: Hopin’, Thinkin’, Wishin’ And Prayin’

    While we hear voices from OPEC and the oil producing nations every now and again, there is now a constant barrage of statements and opinions from oil analysts. In fact, every media pundit and reporter is now an expert on oil and has an opinion on its price direction.