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  • Khafji Oilfield
    Kuwait says technical, not political, reasons behind oilfield closure

    A senior Kuwaiti official said on Sunday the Khafji oilfield, run jointly with Saudi Arabia, had been shut down for "purely technical and not political" reasons, state news agency KUNA reported. Crude production from the Khafji oilfield had been halted temporarily to comply with environmental rules, according to an industry source and an internal letter seen by Reuters. But the closure of the offshore field, which has an output of between 280,000 to 300,000 barrels per day, revived speculation of renewed tensions between the two countries.

  • US-Saudi
    Abdullah Al-Qadi buried at Al-Baqi

    A Saudi Arabian Airlines plane brought home the body of Abdullah Al-Qadi from Los Angeles. Al-Qadi, a Saudi scholarship student, was murdered in the United States. The body was accompanied by the Saudi consular representative, as well as the eldest brother and cousin of the deceased.

    NCB IPO 18% subscribed at end of 5th day

    The initial public offering IPO of the National Commercial Bank NCB was 18 percent covered by the end of the fifth day, according to the financial advisers and lead managers GIB Capital and HSBC Saudi Arabia.

  • Michael Zehaf-Bibeau
    Canada Parliament gunman aimed to go to Saudi Arabia, not Syria: mother

    "Most will call my son a terrorist," Bibeau wrote. "I don't believe he was part of an organization or acted on behalf of some grand ideology or for a political motive. I believe he acted in despair.

  • Saudi Vehicles
    18m vehicles likely on Saudi roads by year-end

    Eighteen million licensed vehicles are likely to be on Saudi roads by the end of this year, from 17 million last year, according to a study published by Al-Eqtisadiah daily. The number of licensed cars rose by 7 percent from 2011 to 2012, to 15.9 million vehicles, it said. This was a rise of 975,000 cars from the 14.9 million in 2011. About 81 percent of the registered vehicles in 2012 were in the three major provinces of Makkah, Riyadh and the Eastern Province.

  • Extremism
    Four Women jailed for supporting al-Qaeda

    Four women in Saudi Arabia have been sentenced to six to 10 years in prison for supporting al-Qaeda and preparing their sons to wage jihad.

  • Global Oil Markets
    Cheaper oil: Winners and losers

    But one group of countries gains unambiguously: those most dependent on agriculture. Agriculture is more energy-intensive than manufacturing. Energy is the main input into fertilisers, and in many countries farmers use huge amounts of electricity to pump water from aquifers far below, or depleted rivers far away. A dollar of farm output takes four or five times as much energy to produce as a dollar of manufactured goods, says John Baffes of the World Bank. Farmers benefit from cheaper oil. And since most of the world’s farmers are poor, cheaper oil is, on balance, good for poor countries.

  • ISIS and Baghdad
    Tribes in tense Abu Ghraib vow to keep IS out

    The Baghdad suburb of Abu Ghraib, best known for its infamous prison, sits close enough to Baghdad's airport that you can see the control tower in the distance. It's an enticing potential prize for Islamic State militants. For now, this Sunni-dominated town remains beyond their grip, despite recent reports to the contrary. Markets buzz with shoppers and young women in colorful clothes and headscarves walk freely through the streets. That's thanks in large part to the support of local Sunni tribal leaders who fought against extremists in the past are vowing to do so again. But to win the fight, they also need to combat long-held feelings of discrimination and what residents feel are arbitrary detentions and disappearances that continue to fuel resentment against the country's Shiite majority.

  • ISIS Doctrine
    Saudis at War With Islamic State Confront Echo of Kingdom’s Past

    A key difference is “the caliphate agenda,” Commins said, referring to the title used by Islamic State’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The revival of a term used by earlier Islamic leaders suggests a wider ambition to rule all Muslims. “That was never part of Wahhabi doctrine,” Commins said. Abdulaziz halted his expansion once most of the Arabian Peninsula was conquered, and turned against the Ikhwan, whose main leaders later surrendered to the British. That history underscores another distinction with Islamic State, that between an established power and an expansionist upstart, according to James Dorsey, a senior fellow in international studies at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

  • Asian Oil Imports
    China cuts Saudi oil imports amid Colombia crude boost

    “Chinese refiners are favoring supplies from Oman and South America over Saudi Arabia as their prices relative to output are more competitive,” Amy Sun, an analyst with Shanghai-based ICIS-C1 Energy, a consultant, said by phone from Guangzhou. “China is also increasing imports from Russia with a new contract signed last year.”