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  • Saudi Views of ISIS
    A Saudi view on the Islamic State

    Since the beginning of the conflict in Syria in 2011, and in Iraq even before IS’s gains in Mosul and beyond, Riyadh has made it clear that if there is to be any prospect of real success, a locally-owned effort must be supported. For this reason, Saudi Arabia is making a case within the anti-IS coalition for positions that Riyadh has held for a long time. It says that airstrikes against IS should be matched with a significant ratcheting up of support for the moderate Syrian fighting opposition. It also wants guarantees that the new Baghdad government will not slide back into disempowering the Sunnis in Iraq.

  • Global Oil Markets
    Oil price hits two-year low after Saudi price cut

    "This is a structural change in the oil market, with Saudi Arabia explicitly stating that they are willing to compete on price," said Bjarne Schieldrop, a commodities analyst at SEB. The drop in price comes at a time when the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) and the US are increasing output.

  • Saudi Oil Pricing
    Saudi cuts official crude oil prices in battle for market share

    Saudi Aramco sharply cut official oil prices for Asian customers in November, the state-run company said on Wednesday in the clearest sign yet the world's largest exporter is trying to compete for crude market share. The move comes amid calls from some within the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) for action to shore up prices, as international benchmark Brent crude oil has slumped to a two-year low.

  • Saudi Air Defense
    US to sell Saudi Arabia $1.75bn worth of Patriot air defenses

    Once the deal is through, Saudi Arabia will become the eighth country operating Patriot air defense complexes after the US, Germany, Japan, Kuwait, the Netherlands, Taiwan and the United Arab Emirates. Washington has been reinforcing its Gulf allies with new air defenses lately with Kuwait starting to receive PAC-3 missile in January and Qatar signing a $11 billion deal and obtaining its first Patriot systems in July.

  • Saudia
    Competition in domestic flight market to reduce fares

    Qatar Airways plans to launch domestic Saudi operations under Al-Maha Airways, which will have a similar logo to the national carrier and will operate flights in major domestic routes.

  • SEC
    Saudi Electricity signs $682 million in deals for Riyadh metro

    Saudi Electricity Co has signed contracts worth 2.56 billion riyals ($682.5 million) to supply power to the Riyadh metro, which is currently under construction, the kingdom's state news agency reported on Tuesday.

  • Gulf
    Saudi-UAE pact a ray of hope for region

    The alliance between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has raised the real possibility that the current power vacuum could be filled. The two countries have a history of conflict resolution, and importantly, shown no imperialist ambitions.

  • Haj and Social Media
    Say no to Haj selfie!

    The urge to document their every move at the holy mosques of Makkah and Madinah, and to share these precious moments with friends and families on social media has resulted in more pilgrims using their phones in the holy mosques than they once used to. Many believe such behavior can be a deterrent to achieving humility and tranquility while performing acts of worship, especially during the once-in-a-lifetime journey of Haj.

  • Khorasan Group
    The Khorasan Group Should Scare Us

    Anonymous officials have questioned the imminence of the threat in some news reports, but the primary reason officials are so concerned about the Khorasan Group is the makeup of its membership. The network reportedly includes as many as several dozen operatives from Afghanistan and Pakistan (Khorasan, in jihadist terminology), South Asia, North Africa and the Middle East. Its leader, Fadhli -- if he is still alive -- is uniquely positioned to lead a group of al Qaeda operatives from around the world, having had direct experience fighting with and/or organizing and raising funds for al Qaeda affiliates from Afghanistan, Yemen, Kuwait and even Iran.

  • Weapon Technology and Syria
    How American Precision Weapons Opened the Door to an Arab Coalition

    “One of the things you’re seeing in this air campaign is the fruition of two decades of interoperability and procurement activities, training activity and education activities with our allies in the region,” Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Friday during a press briefing at the Pentagon. These nations “are performing just as well as we are on the issue of precision and reducing the possibility of collateral damage,” Dempsey said.