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  • Economy
    MENA region to witness 4.2 percent growth in 2015, World Bank Says

    Economic growth in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is projected to average 4.2 percent in 2015, up from 3.5 percent this year, the World Bank said in a report published on Wednesday, as representatives from across the globe gather in Washington for the IMF and World Bank’s annual meetings.

  • IMF Growth Forecasts
    Oil extends losses as IMF cuts global growth forecasts

    Oil prices fell further to multi-month lows in Asian trade Wednesday on demand concerns after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) cut its the global economic growth forecasts, analysts said.

  • Yemen
    Yemen rebels reject new prime minister

    The rebels refusal will further delay the implementation of a ceasefire deal sponsored by the United Nations that called for the Houthis to withdraw from Sanaa once a new neutral prime minister was named. Houthi fighters stormed into Sanaa in an offensive on September 21 and proceeded to establish a strong military presence, mounting patrols and manning checkpoints.

  • Women Driving
    Obeidallah: Saudi Arabia is the only Muslim nation where women can’t drive

    The comments about Islam from comedian, social critic and cable talk show host Bill Maher continue to stir reactions across the TV dial and across the political spectrum. Maher has said that when Muslim nations suppress political rights and deny freedoms to women, homosexuals and minorities, they are fair game for harsh criticism.

  • U.S. Middle East Policy
    Opinion: Even if we defeat the Islamic State, we’ll still lose the bigger war

    In practice, however, whether putting boots on the ground or relying on missiles from above, subsequent U.S. efforts to promote stability have tended to produce just the opposite. Part of the problem is that American policymakers have repeatedly given in to the temptation to unleash a bit of near-term chaos, betting that longer-term order will emerge on the other end.

  • Afghanistan
    Will Afghanistan Become the ‘Forgotten War’ Again?

    And after nearly $800 billion, and more than 2,300 American lives, the war in Afghanistan will officially come to an end this year. But the mission is far from over. Whatever military ambitions that defined the war’s original name, “Operation Enduring Freedom,” have now been reduced to a far less ambitious—and more lasting—approach with the mission’s new name: “Operation Resolute Support.”

  • Non-oil Growth
    Saudi September Non-Oil Business Growth Fastest In Over 3 Years

    Non-oil private business activity in Saudi Arabia grew at the fastest pace in over three years last month, buoyed by strong expansions in new orders and employment, a survey showed on Tuesday. The SABB HSBC Saudi Arabia Purchasing Managers’ Index climbed to a seasonally adjusted 61.8 points in September, its highest level since June 2011, from 60.7 points in August, remaining far above the 50 line denoting growth.

  • GE Operations in KSA
    Video: GE and Saudi Arabia

    Wearing a headscarf and science goggles, Jumana Almuzel is a rare sight on the shop floor of Saudi Arabia's GE gas turbine facility. Indeed, she is the only female to work alongside her male counterparts at the energy giant's Eastern Province plant.

  • Libya
    Libyan soldiers killed in Benghazi bombings and clashes

    Thursday's bombings targeted a checkpoint near the city's Benina airport, which has been shut down since May. The Islamist militias have already overrun army bases in the area, making the airport one of the last sites still under the control of Gen Haftar. The forces are part of Benghazi's Shura Revolutionary Council, a body set up after they took control of Benghazi in August.

  • Turkey and ISIS
    Turkish parliament authorises force against Isis in Syria and Iraq

    Turkey’s parliament on Thursday authorised the use of force in both Syria and Iraq, even as the country’s leadership signalled doubts about the US-led campaign against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, known as Isis. The 298 to 98 vote took place as Isis fighters moved perilously close to the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani, which they have been advancing on for several weeks, under the watchful eyes of Turkish troops just across the border.