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  • A lucrative investment? Saudis pour millions into camels during Riyadh festival

    Camels are the quickest way to wealth and profit, says Nasser AlAjmi, a Kuwaiti camel owner attending the event, adding that it is better than investing in real estate or the stock market.

  • Is Iran’s new drone swarm Shahed-136 tech a gamechanger? – analysis

    Over the last several days, images of a new Iranian drone launcher have appeared online and in Iranian media. The drones, dubbed Shahed 136, were combined with missiles in a drill that Iran says took place last week. Iran has called these types of drones a “suicide drone” or kamikaze drone. This means that they fly directly into a target and self-destruct.

  • Do They Know It’s Christmas Time in Saudi Arabia? Increasingly, Yes

    Artificial fir trees have sold out at LuLu Hypermarket here in the capital of a kingdom that until recently enforced a ban on public expressions of any religion besides Islam. Now, families can be found sifting through colored ornaments and decorative lights at LuLu beside a pyramid of Italian panettone fruitcakes and Cadbury chocolate yule logs.

  • Why is the UAE shortening its working week?

    The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is stepping into 2022 with a new 4.5-day working week. The adjustment will see the UAE align more closely with Western standards, with weekends now comprising Friday afternoons, Saturdays and Sundays, instead of just the whole of a Friday to Saturday (which is common in the majority of Muslim countries).

  • Gulf-Asia Energy and Trade Ties: A challenge to the west?

    The Gulf states are now major exporters of downstream products to all the countries of Asia. These include refined products from oil, fertilizers as well as basic and advanced chemicals. In return, the Gulf countries are importing not just consumer goods, but also technical products and services from Asia

  • Opinion: Are Arab militias losing their usefulness for Iran?

    “The overall picture is that Iran’s expansion peaked in 2018 and has since entered a new phase, in which Tehran has not suffered any strategic military set­backs but is hitting a wall. Iran’s biggest fundamental problem is that a majority of its allies … frequently succeed in armed confrontations. Yet they are subsequently incapable of ensuring political and economic stability,” said Middle East scholar Guido Steinberg.

  • Who is Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael A. Grinston?

    What his official biography won’t tell you is that he has seen the very worst of combat through six combat deployments, earning him five Bronze stars — two with valor devices that are still difficult for him to talk about, that he would give back in a second in return for the soldiers he’s lost. It doesn’t tell you that most of the time, you’ll find him wearing the 1st Infantry Division combat patch in remembrance of those soldiers he lost on his first deployment to Iraq.

  • Libya’s elections are on December 24. But should they be postponed?

    The 2011 Arab Uprisings, which began in neighboring Tunisia, led to the ousting of longtime Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, plummeting the country into chaos and widespread violence. Since then, Libya, after a NATO intervention in 2011, underwent major civil strife and witnessed polarizing divisions between the east and west of the country that rendered it a de facto failed state.

  • Can’t go to Mecca? Saudi Arabia brings hajj to the metaverse with ‘VR Black Stone’ experience

    The "Virtual Black Stone Initiative" allows Muslims to "experience the Hajr Aswad virtually prior to the pilgrimage to Makkah [Mecca]", according to the official Haramain Facebook account.

  • Opinion: What Does U.S. “Withdrawal” from the Middle East Mean?

    The debate on U.S. policy in the Middle East needs to move away from abstractions like “commitment” versus “withdrawal” and engage with the real questions of just what interests in the Middle East justify the presence of U.S. military force and what threats justify its use.