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  • How can Africa tap its huge potential for Islamic banking?

    slamic financial instruments such as sukuk appear to be ideal for Africa, both in providing funding and serving the needs of its large Muslim population, so what is holding back its development?

  • Why are Saudi women suddenly starting to take jobs?

    Over the past few years, the Saudi Arabian government has made significant reforms to incentivize women to find employment and to protect them better on the job. These reforms also increased Saudi Arabia’s score in the World Bank Women, Business, and Law (WBL) database by almost 50 points (Figure 1) between 2016 and 2020. In parallel, female labor force participation rates improved at unprecedented rates, rising by 14 percentage points during the same time.

  • Will Saudi Arabia haters apologize after ‘Bezos Hack’ truth?

    “As we have said, reports that the Kingdom leaked Mr. Bezos’ personal photos were absurd. Now that the truth is out, we call on journalists in the US media & the former UN rapporteur to be more responsible in their reporting and to investigate claims no matter their source,” the embassy said in a tweet.

  • Mideast diplomacy? In much of the region, it’s a season of rebirth.

    For now, says Mr. Abdulla, the Emirati analyst, “everyone is in the mood to de-escalate, and we have seen it backed up by actions on the ground, too.” “But are regional powers just buying time to compose themselves and compete again, or is this a long-term strategic shift? We are only in the first five minutes of this process; we will have to wait and see.”

  • Opinion: Can Normalizing Saudi-Israeli Relations Improve MbS’ Reputation in DC?

    MbS must deal with constraints that will likely give him good reason to avoid signing a diplomatic deal with Israel under the current circumstances. Regionally, there are concerns about how rivals and adversaries could leverage any Saudi-Israeli accord against the Kingdom to try and convince more Arabs and Muslims that the Al Saud family is not in a position to lead the Islamic world.

  • Perspective: A Relationship in Flux – Can Turkey and Saudi Arabia Stabilize Relations?

    Hopes of a Saudi-Turkish detente were dashed in January when Saudi F-15 fighter jets took part in a joint exercise with Greece in the eastern Mediterranean. Before the Greek-Saudi joint military exercises, however, Turkey established a large military presence in strategic locations in the east, south, and west of Saudi Arabia; the country maintains military bases in Qatar and Somalia, and Turkish warships have an enduring presence in the Red Sea.

  • Is Iron Dome effective against Hamas rockets as originally thought?

    During the 2014 Gaza War, Hamas fired almost 4,000 rockets, but that was spread out over 50 days. It usually fired dozens of rockets in a day at most, and spread them out over the day. Its high was around 200 rockets spread over a whole day – and out of the 50 days of the war, it fired more than 100 rockets per day for only around two weeks.

  • Amid Nuclear Talks, Is Iran in a Foreign Reserves Crisis?

    With US sanctions trying to cut off Tehran’s access to financial markets and transactions — as well as sharply reducing oil exports — Iran has long faced the question of whether its economy is backed by a sufficient level of foreign currency. The issue is linked to a sharp decline in Iran’s own currency. The rial sank to more than 300,000:1 v. the US dollar, compared to previous historic lows of 180,000:1 in autumn 2018 and 45,000:1 early that year. With the prospect of a renewed deal and the lifting of the American sanctions, the rial has recovered to 226,800:1.

  • Perspective: Will the Saudi-Iranian talks deliver a win for Iraq?

    Yet none of this means that the differences between the Kingdom and Islamic Republic are not vast. US presence in the region is a contentious issue for Tehran – as much as the Iranian regime’s ideology and proxy wars in the region are for the Arab states. This explains why these talks are supposedly taking place primarily through security channels.

  • Saudi Arabia’s Economic Strategy: From Kitchen Sink to Virtuous Cycle?

    In a highly anticipated interview on April 27, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman made a broad case for more centralization of economic policymaking, which he considers necessary to drive Vision 2030 forward. The government has reportedly set up a Budget Bureau and plans to launch a new Policies Office this year. These measures may help to provide much-needed coherence and sustainability to various economic strategies. Indeed, the International Monetary Fund recommended years ago that the Saudi government establish a broader framework to guide investment and borrowing decisions.