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  • After the Qatar Boycott, Can the GCC Come Together?

    But the embargo has done lasting damage to the bloc, says Sanam Vakil, a Middle East expert at Chatham House, and “there’s a lot of work to be done” to address persistent divisions within the GCC countries.

  • Making America Great? Global Perceptions of China, Russia, and the United States: The International Scorecard

    It is clear, however, that the ways in which the rest of the world perceives the overall character of China, Russia, and the United States is becoming a key form of competition, in which public opinion polls on the attitudes in other countries can provide a non-partisan set of benchmarks and trend indicators that are not subject to the political debates in domestic American politics.

  • Were Covid Patients in Egypt Killed by Oxygen Outage? Government Says No

    Hoping to quell growing outrage over a video from inside an Egyptian hospital purportedly showing a number of Covid-19 patients dying after an interruption in oxygen supply, the country’s authorities insisted that neither shortages nor negligence caused the deaths. The wrenching footage, posted on social media this weekend, was shot on a cellphone by a visiting relative who appeared to be in a frantic state as he paced from bed to bed repeating the phrase “Everyone in the intensive care unit has died.”

  • How much time do Saudis spend on their smartphones?

    He pointed out that the number of users of social media in Saudi Arabia reached 25 million, while the number of phone users reached 44 million in 2020, due to the fact that some people own two or more devices. According to Al Qarawi, out of the world population of 7.75 billion people, 4.54 billion use the internet, 5.19 billion use phones, and 3.80 billion use social media.

  • Is Saudi Research and Marketing Group’s Stock’s Recent Performance A Reflection Of Its Financial Health?

    Overall, we are quite pleased with Saudi Research and Marketing Group's performance. Specifically, we like that it has been reinvesting a high portion of its profits at a moderate rate of return, resulting in earnings expansion.

  • Who has Donald Trump just pardoned? A guide to the key figures

    Donald Trump has granted pardons to 15 people, a group that includes a former campaign aide, three former Republican lawmakers, a Dutch lawyer charged as part of the Russia investigation, and four former government contractors convicted of killing Iraqi civilians. He also commuted the sentences of five others.

  • Is Saudi Aramco eyeing a step into Russia′s backyard?

    "This is not a great investment for Aramco in a purely business sense, with downstream profits falling and Asian rivals growing," Robert Tomaszewski at Polityka Insight, a Warsaw-based thinktank, told DW. "But it would give the company a new refining installation, and is open to the sea, opening up the Baltic and close to Germany's terminals at Schwedt and Iuna. The key, however, is that this is in Rosneft's backyard and that would be a game changer."

  • Opinion: Will COVID Finally Force Us to Think Differently About National Security?

    As the NDS notes, many of the pressing challenges to U.S. prosperity and security come from adversaries using influence operations, predatory economics, coercion, subversion, proxy networks, and other non-kinetic means. There is a significant divergence between “minor” conflicts and more “conventional” military conflicts, which calls into question the logic of investing predominately in high-end military capabilities. Policymakers should instead emphasize the ways and means most likely to factor into competition and prevent strategic surprise at a fraction of the cost.

  • Factbox: What became of the ‘Arab Spring’?

    Tunisia’s revolution after a fruit seller killed himself a decade ago inspired a wave of revolt in Arab countries as people rose up to demand democracy. This is what happened in each of the main uprisings.

  • Perspective: A Resolution of Qatar Boycott Looms, But Can It Last?

    Talks persisted until late this week when the January 2021 GCC summit was relocated to Riyadh and key UAE officials and analysts began indicating that the UAE is no longer opposed to an agreement and that a “consensus” to end the boycott has been reached.