Road to the G20: This Week’s Events include Trade, Science-Focused Meetings

SUSTG is covering the events and meetings taking place in the run up to the G20 in November as part of our “Road to the G20” series of posts and featured items. 

The G20 will bring together the world's economic leaders in November.

The G20 will bring together the world’s economic leaders in November.

This week, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as host country for the G20 meeting in November 21-22, 2020 will hold meetings on Trade and Investment, with the Trade Ministers Meeting taking place tomorrow, Tuesday, September 22.

This week will also finish with the S20 meeting, a science-focus event, that will run from September 25-26.

Here is the list of events by day for this week*:

September 20 21: 3rd Trade and Investment Working Group Meeting

September 22: Trade Ministers Meeting 

September 22: 3rd International Financial Architecture Working Group Meeting

September 23-25: 3rd Energy Sustainability Working Group Meeting

September 24: 5th Framework Working Group Meeting

September 25: S20 Summit

*All meetings will be held virtually due to the ongoing global pandemic.


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