Saudi Arabia’s King Salman Chairs Virtual Gathering of G20 Countries to Combat COVID-19

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman chaired a virtual G20 summit via video teleconference with world leaders to address the COVID19 crisis under the G20 Saudi Arabia Presidency.

G20 Leaders convened by chair Saudi Arabia.

G20 Leaders convened by chair Saudi Arabia.

World leaders, including Chinese President Xi Jinping, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and President Donald Trump and others joined the summit. 

Mexico’s President told the summit that there is urgency for the United Nations to “control everything related to the trade in medicines, equipment, because there is a shortage and at the same time the hoarding of those who have more economic possibilities.”

Leaders of the G20 Group pledged to “do whatever it takes and to use all available policy tools to minimize the economic and social damage” from the coronavirus pandemic.

King Salman said the world “must strengthen the global preparedness to counter infectious diseases that may spread in the future.”

The virtual summit concluded with a joint adoption of Leaders’ Statement on #COVID19.

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