The 966 Episode #130, What You Need to Know to Establish a Business in Saudi Arabia, with Saeed Al-Ansari, CEO, Tawaref

Saeed Al-Ansari, Founder and CEO of Tawaref, a Saudi Arabia-based tech investment community that also provides startup advisory, legal consultancy and due diligence support joins Richard Wilson on The 966 [Episode #130] for an exceptionally informative episode on what you need to know to establish a presence in KSA.

Saeed Al-Ansari, Founder and CEO of Tawaref, brings his extensive knowledge and experience with helping businesses set up a presence in Saudi Arabia to The 966. Saeed and Richard discuss some of the operational, regulatory, staffing, human resource and legal considerations required to establish a business as well as some of the common mistakes made by companies.

As an added resource in addition to this episode of The 966, please note that Tawaref has published a series of invaluable articles in Wamda, a well-known platform, media site and venture capital firm, on how to establish a business in KSA.

The series currently includes 8 articles that, “provide a one-stop resource to answer all the repetitive queries that we see throughout our work. Through insightful articles, Tawaref provides valuable insights and guidance on various topics, such as legal and regulatory requirements, key challenges, tips and tricks, how-to manuals, sector-specific information, and opportunities for growth. Showcasing the key hubs, dos and don’ts, common missteps, incorporation detail, facts that save money. “

The articles include:

Tawaref Series: navigating Saudi expansion
Tawaref Series: an entrepreneur’s journey in Saudi Arabia, from bootstrapping to big bucks
Tawaref Series: A blueprint for foreign investment success in Saudi Arabia
Tawaref Series: The truth behind Saudi landing hard costs
Tawaref series: Categorising Saudi setup partners by soft costs 
Tawaref Series: Saudi corporate annual operating costs explained
Tawaref Series: Understanding annual operating cost in Saudi Arabia
“The Saudi Arabian investment landscape has been thriving in recent years, attracting investors from around the globe. With the introduction of business-friendly reforms and attractive incentives by the Saudi Government, the country has become an increasingly potent and vibrant market for entrepreneurs and investors alike. However, navigating the market can be challenging without access to authentic and authoritative content that provides useful and concise information.”
The Saudi-US Trade Group and The 966 strongly recommend the series for anyone looking to establish a presence in Saudi Arabia.

Please note that the video version of this episode will be available shortly. 


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